Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How can I go about my business digital marketing?

Digital Marketing is one of the service render by ContsPRO which we lets our clients understand what does and doesn’t work.

How can I know what category my business belong to, for promotion?

ContsPRO bestow you free consultation for you to know what category your business belong to so that you can know how to move about marketing plan.

After the purchase can I customize ?

Absolutely, ContsPRO give room for customization you can change the theme color, button positioning or anything on request just login to your dashboard and request quote

Should I use ContsPRO or hire developer / designer?

ContsPRO offers you different templates, choose the one that include style and design that suits your business and edit the content and pictures Click here

Is it mobile friendly?

Yes, all ContsPRO templates are mobile friendly both customer (visitor) and business owner dashboard view are mobile friendly

Is it neccessary to have design or coding idea?

Definitely no, ContsPRO made everything easy for providing ready-made website for customers world wide in as much you can fill web form you can manage your website.

Is it possible to buy & lunch my website in a day?

Yes, with ContsPRO templates once you purchase and the installation is completed for you. Your business can fly without limitation.

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